Foreign exchange options can be of two types: by buying a call option, we acquire the right to buy, by selling it, we assume a commitment to sell. By buying a put option, we acquire the right to sell, and by selling it, we assume a buying obligation.


For purchased options

  • You can benefit from a positive shift, so you can earn extra returns by taking risks on the foreign exchange rate.
  • You can reduce or completely eliminate the exchange rate risk arising from your currency exposure in a personalised and structured way.
  • The loss from a purchased option cannot be greater than the amount of the premium paid for the option.
  • The option can be closed with a reverse trade before expiry.
  • No deposit required.

For written options

  • The option premium will be credited on the second day after the conclusion of the trade.
  • The client can earn extra income through the option premium by choosing a strike price at which the option will not be exercised or at which the client would have traded as originally intended.
  • The option can be closed with a reverse trade before expiry.


For purchased options

  • The option premium amount is an instant cost.
  • In the event of a positive move, it tends to have a higher cost compared to forwards, as the option is a complex financial product.

For written options

  • The maximum amount of profit on the written option is the amount of the option premium, while the loss can be unlimited.
  • The cost of closing an option depends on specific market conditions, which may exceed the cost of closing forwards with the same nominal value.
  • It is a complex product, so the identification of risks requires greater preparedness on the part of clients (a thorough knowledge of the product information is required to fully understand the risks).

Download the Product Information


If you would like to become a client of OTP Global Markets, feel free to contact us.

Useful documents

These documents in English language to the person concerned shall be for information purposes only. OTP Bank Plc shall fulfil its obligations imposed by the legal regulations or requirement of supervisory authority by the documents in Hungarian language.
In the event of any discrepancy between the English language and Hungarian language versions, the Hungarian language version shall prevail.

Information on the suspension of the market making obligation (available only in Hungarian)

Commodity swap

Cross-Currency Interest rate swap

Dual currency structured investment

Foreign exchange option

Foreign exchange swap

Forward deal in precious metals (gold and silver) transaction

Forward foreign exchange

Interest rate option

Interest rate swap

Long-Term Investment Account T+3 FORWARD

Spot securities transaction

Stock exchange futures

Stock exchange spot transaction

Securities Lending Transaction

Foreign exchange Orders

Subordinated Securities

EMIR Announcement

EMIR Information for Clients

Notice on the uEMIR Notice se of LEI CODES

Disclosure of information pursuant to Article 11 (11) of the EMIR Regulation

Information for Clients on MiFID

Global Markets ex-ante cost transparency information (available only in Hungarian)

The data to be published on the quality of execution of transactions according to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/575 (available only in Hungarian)

Information on the identity of execution venues and on the quality of execution according to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/576 (available only in Hungarian)

Systematic internaliser - quotes

Notice on the use of LEI CODES

Direct and indirect clearing services in respect of certain derivative transactions announcement

Key Information Documents – PRIIPs KIDs

Notice - on the impacts of the pandemic emergency on the money and capital markets

Notice - on the collateralisation of long-term investment combined securities account and long-term investment securities account - cash accounts

Notice - about transactions in chinese yuan (RENMINBI)

Terms and conditions and Announcements

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