Turkey: Technical Assistance for the Operation "Employment and Social Support Services Coordination and Implementation Model for the Integration of Disadvantaged Persons" – EuropeAid/132942/D/SER/TR

Location: Turkey
Overall budget: 7 006 000 €

Contract description
In order to respond the problems related with social inclusion efficiently, this operation will mainly focus on establishing an interactive relation between social service provision facilities and activities focusing to increase employment opportunities for the disadvantaged persons. Thus the operation includes the activities such as establishing a new social service model within the target municipalities, identifying institutional structures and project supports which provide employment, training and social services for the disadvantaged persons in the selected provinces and districts, establishing a database of institutional structures, conducting field surveys in order to identify the specific needs of disadvantaged persons for sustainable development, identifying disadvantaged groups in the target provinces and districts, establishing a tracking system and designing awareness raising campaigns as well as national and local media campaigns. The consultant will conduct such like activities in order to contribute to the goal of increasing the employability of disadvantaged persons, facilitating their access to labour market, and eliminating barriers for their entrance into the labour market.


KG-Bishkek: DCI – Support to the education sector in the Kyrgyz Republic – EuropeAid/133927/C/SER/KG

Location: Kyrgyz Republic
Overall budget: 1 600 000 €

Contract description
The overall objective is to assist the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to establish an effective system of formal and non-formal learning capable of delivering high quality services, maximising the potential of the available human resources and responding to the needs of a rapidly changing society.

The specific objectives are:

  1. to enhance the institutional and human resource capacity of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Youth, Labour and Employment/Agency for Vocational and Technical Education of the Kyrgyz Republic and other relevant State bodies through support to policy development, functional restructuring and training;
  2. to improve the management of education planning, financing, procurement, monitoring, reporting and evaluation within the Ministry of Education and Science and the State Agency for Vocational and Technical Education, as it relates to the education sector, and to install appropriate procedures, quality controls and fiduciary checks to ensure the transparent and efficient management of the sector programme;
  3. to further strengthen the institutional and human resource capacities of the departments within the various tiers of local government ('oblast', 'raion' and 'aiyl okmotus') responsible for financial planning, budgeting, management, monitoring and reporting, as they relate to the education sector.

MD-Chisinau: ENPI – Support for the vocational education and training sector – EuropeAid/133700/C/SER/MD

Location: Republic of Moldova
Overall budget: 5 000 000 €

Contract description
The overall objective of the project is to improve the governance of the VET system in Moldova by reforming the VET institution network and by enhancing the quality of the learning processes and learning outcomes in line with the labour market demands.
The project plans to assist the Government in restructuring the VET institution network and to facilitate social dialogue in the most important economic sectors. Important capacity building for the key partners is planned within the project. Additionally, the project plans to assist the Government and the partner institutions in developing a framework for quality assurance in VET, as well as in improving the learning processes and outcomes in the selected sectors.
This project was conceived as an intervention preparing the VET sector for, and assisting it during, a potential budget support programme.


RS-Belgrade: IPA – Increasing the capacity of the Serbian VET system in improving the quality, coverage and relevance of the vocational education and training

Location: Republic of Serbia
Overall budget: 1 000 000 €

Contract description
The purpose of this contract is to increase the capacity of the Serbian VET system in improving the quality, coverage and relevance of the vocational education and training through:

  1. the assessment, revision and implementation of training programmes in the area of VET;
  2. capacity building of institutions involved in VET reform;
  3. development of the national qualification framework (NQF) for VET.

HR-Zagreb: IPA – The new approaches of CES in delivering services to clients – EuropeAid/130882/D/SER/HR

Location: Croatia
Overall budget: 1 200 000 €

Contract description
The main aim of the project is to enhance capacities of the CES in delivering services to its clients. A new set of tailor made mediation services to the employers will be developed and capacities of the CES staff to deliver the new services and implement new working methods will be increased. A model of e-counselling support for CES clients will be created. E-counselling will be defined as a new business process of self-service vocational guidance and counselling services to the unemployed and job seekers supported by an e-advisor. Corresponding application module will also be developed. This project will also introduce new tailor made active labour market measures targeted to the long-term unemployed and a model for management, monitoring and implementation of these measures.


RS-Belgrade: IPA – Technical assistance to the Serbian authorities for the management of pre-accession assistance – EuropeAid/133788/C/SER/RS

Location: Serbia
Overall budget: 1 500 000 €

Contract description
Overall objective
The overall objective of the project is to assist the Serbian administration to effectively manage EU pre-accession assistance in order to accelerate preparations for EU membership.
For this purpose the contract is foreseen to provide:

  • Organization of training, intensive coaching, specialised counselling, ad-hoc advice and consolidation/strengthening of capacities via suitable on the job training, study visits and formal training in the first phases of Decentralised Management System after conferral.
  • Assisting the improvement of the organizational set-up and the institutional capacity of the relevant national IPA authorities to carry out financial management, control, procurement and monitoring responsibilities in line with the EC requirements.
  • Reviewing of current operational procedures and inter-institutional protocols/agreements for EU funds management for all IPA components and their updating/upgrading in line with the new financial regulations. Assistance to possible newly established bodies within the system.
  • Assistance to relevant authorities for preparation for IPA Component V.

MK-Skopje: IPA – Support to the fight against undeclared work – EuropeAid/133613/D/SER/MK

Location: Macedonia
Overall budget: 1 300 000 €

Contract description:
The objective of the project is to improve effectiveness and efficiency of the fight against undeclared work in the country by increasing the capacities of the State Labour Inspectorate, and improving the systematic and coordinated involvement of the relevant institutional actors and social partners in the fight against undeclared work. The project will encompass conducting a survey on undeclared work and development and implementation of a programme for the State Labour Inspectorate for improving the effectiveness in its fight against undeclared work. Other national institutions and social partners will benefit from specific activities within the project.


RS-Pristina: IPA – Support to Kosovo's policy and strategic planning – EuropeAid/133790/C/SER/XK

Location: Kosovo
Overall budget: 2 200 000 €

Contract description
To establish a system for effective medium-term planning, strategic decision-making and policy coordination that integrates the European integration agenda into Kosovo's overall development agenda and ensures better linkage between development policies and budget resources.


RS-Belgrade: IPA – Technical assistance to support direct grant management in the field of employment policy – EuropeAid/133823/C/SER/RS

Location: Serbia
Overall budget: 1 500 000 €

Contract description
Under the IPA 2012 Social Development sector fiche, the National Employment Service (NES) in Serbia will be awarded a direct grant for implementation of active labour market measures comprising training activities in response to labour market needs as well as establishment of job clubs, career guidance and counselling centres, self service centres and employment caravans in rural, mountainous and less accessible parts of the country. The aim of the grant is to raise the effectiveness of Active Labour Market Policies through their better monitoring and evaluation and improved design, so they are tailor-made and adjusted to the labour market needs and the needs and skills of unemployed, especially disadvantaged groups.

This technical assistance will assist the NES and the Employment Department within the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy to manage, administer and monitor the implementation of the direct grant awarded to NES; will improve the capacities of these institutions for overall management of IPA funds; and will support the relevant national and local actors in the development of active labour market policies in favour of disadvantaged groups.


  • Turkey
    Technical Assistance for the Operation
    "Employment and Social Support Services
    Coordination and Implementation Model
    for the Integration of Disadvantaged Persons"

  • HR-Zagreb
    IPA – The new approaches of CES in
    delivering services to clients

  • RS-Belgrade
    IPA – Technical assistance to the Serbian
    authorities for the management of
    pre-accession assistance

  • MK-Skopje
    IPA – Support to the fight against
    undeclared work

  • RS-Pristina
    IPA – Support to Kosovo's policy
    and strategic planning

  • RS-Belgrade
    IPA – Technical assistance to support direct grant
    management in the field of employment policy


Financial partners

OTP Bank OTP Bank

Merkantil Bank PortfoLion

Professional partners

Hungarian Project Management Association Joint Venture Association

Mobility and Multimedia Cluster Hungarian Association for Innovation

Schuman Associates Ateknea Solutions