SKB banka Securities Services
Nova KBM Securities Services

SKB as
development-oriented universal bank provides comprehensive and diverse banking
services through healthy long-term business relationships with its clients. As
a client-friendly bank we adjust wide range of securities services for different
types of clients to mutual benefit. We continuously improve our work, educate
ourselves and upgrade our knowledge to be able to always ensure bank services
at the highest service and safety level.
The acqusition of Nova KBM
by OTP Bank Nyrt was completed on 6th February 2023. In Nova KBM we
continue to focus on customers and on implementing strategic priorities. The
latter include the further digitalisation of the Bank’s operations and services
and preparing for a gradual merger with the sister SKB banka. The aim of the
integration is to combine the best of both banks and create a leading bank in
Market Profile
Learn more about Slovenia: Market Profile Slovenia (pdf)
SKB - OTP GSS group email address:
Igor Javoršek
Head of Custody at SKB
Urša Franko
Head of Custody operations at SKB
Nova KBM - OTP GSS group email address:
Mojca Žlak
Director of Custody and Treasury & Investment Banking Back Office at Nova KBM
Dejan Mekić
Head of Custody Services at Nova KBM
Robert Kragelj
Head of Investment funds custody at Nova KBM
Mojca Bizjak
Head of Investment funds adminstration at Nova KBM
NewsFlash from Slovenia
- Amendments to the Trading Instructions 26/02/2025
- Amendments of the SI ENTER Rules 11/02/2025
- Amendment to KDD Rules & Regulations 17/12/2024
- Amendments to LJSE Services Fee Schedules 02/12/2024
- Trading & Settlement Calendar 2025 28/11/2024
- New client onboarding announcement 01/10/2024
- Update on Shareholders Identification 06/09/2024
- Implementation of SCoRE Standards 13/06/2024
- Change of KDD price list (valid from 1.2.2024) 18/01/2024
- Trading without trading fees on ETFs 16/01/2024
- Trading & Settlement Calendar 2024 29/11/2023
- Amendment of LJSE trading calendar 09/08/2023
- Amendment to the Companies Act 27/07/2023
- Implementation of SCoRE Standards and the ECMS Project 14/06/2023
- Change of settlement date for CSDR penalties 19/04/2023
- Update on Shareholders Identification 13/04/2023
- OTP Bank received approval from the Slovenian Competition Protection Agency for the acquisition of Nova KBM 01/02/2023
- Change of KDD price list 12/12/2022
- OTP Group - Bank of the Year in Central and Eastern Europe 09/12/2022
- SKB banka - Bank of the year 2022 in Slovenia 09/12/2022
- New channel for registration to general meetings 08/06/2022
- Change of Slovenian Tax Authority practice 29/04/2022
- Additional documentation needed for proxy voting 30/03/2022
- Decrease of Withholding Tax on Interest and the capital gain tax rate 28/03/2022
- Decrease of Withholding Tax on Interest and the capital gain tax rate 28/03/2022
- OTP Group - Bank of the Year in Central and Eastern Europe 08/12/2021
- SKB banka - Bank of the year 2021 in Slovenia 08/12/2021
- OTP Bank to purchase Nova KBM in Slovenia 02/06/2021
- SKB banka – Best Bank Award 2021 in Slovenia 30/03/2021
- SKB banka - Bank of the year 2020 in Slovenia 7/12/2020
Public holidays in 2025
Date | Public Holiday |
18 April | Good Friday |
21 April | Easter Monday |
1 May | Labour Day |
2 May | Labour Day |
25 June | Statehood Day |
15 August | Feast of the Assumption |
31 October | Reformation Day |
24 December | Christmas Eve |
25 December | Christmas Day |
26 December | Independence and Unity Day |
31 December | New Year’s Eve |
Date 18 April Public Holiday Good Friday Date 21 April Public Holiday Easter Monday Date 1 May Public Holiday Labour Day Date 2 May Public Holiday Labour Day Date 25 June Public Holiday Statehood Day Date 15 August Public Holiday Feast of the Assumption Date 31 October Public Holiday Reformation Day Date 24 December Public Holiday Christmas Eve Date 25 December Public Holiday Christmas Day Date 26 December Public Holiday Independence and Unity Day Date 31 December Public Holiday New Year’s Eve
For further details regarding banking holidays please click here.
Useful links
Capital Market
- Act on Financial Instruments Market (ZTFI-1 and ZTFI)
- Book Entry Securities Act (ZNVP-1)
- Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules and Instructions
Investment Funds
- The Investment Funds and Management Companies Act (ZISDU-3)
- Alternative Investment Fund Managers Act (ZUAIS)
Pension Funds
- Pension and Disability Insurance Act (ZPIZ-2)
- Act on Banking (ZBan-2)
- Takeover Act (ZPre-1)
- Companies Act (ZGD-1)
- Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act (ZPPDFT-1)
- EU Legislation
- Act Regulating Restrictive Measures Introduced or Implemented by the Republic of Slovenia in Accordance with Legal Acts and Decisions Adopted by International Organizations (ZOUPAMO)
- Act ratifying the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the United States of America to Improve International Tax Compliance and to Implement FATCA
This information is provided by SKB banka, a member of OTP Group, as a service to its customers only. The information and opinions provided therein has been prepared in good faith on the basis of information which is either publicly available or obtained from sources which SKB banka and its affiliates reasonably believes reliable, and SKB banka does not represent or warrant their veracity, accuracy, relevance including relevance of the legislation provided as links hereto, or completeness. Such publicly available information may be incomplete or condensed and no responsibility or liability (express or implied) is accepted for any errors, omissions or misstatement by SKB banka. Information herein reflects the market situation at the time of writing and may change as market or regulatory conditions and circumstances develop. Figures relate to the past and indicate historic data. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. No representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied is made and no responsibility is taken or accepted by SKB banka as to or in relation to the accuracy or completeness or otherwise of the material or as to the reasonableness of any assumption contained herein. The estimates and opinions included herein are subject to change without notice and solely reflect the viewpoint of the authors thereof and are not intended, and shall not be interpreted, as an offer by SKB banka or any of its officers, directors, employees or agents to buy, sell, hold, hedge or otherwise deal with any currency, security, commodity or any kind of swap, forward rate, futures, options, derivatives or other contract or product whatsoever or an investment advice. It does not constitute legal, tax and accounting advice. Any person acting or behaving, or refraining from acting or behaving, in reliance on, or under the guidance of, the information provided or opinions expressed or recommendations made herein shall do so exclusively at its own risk based on independent assessment and without any liability for the result of its actions on the part of SKB banka or any of its officers, directors, employees or agents. Any such assessment should involve the complex consideration of the legal, tax, accounting, regulatory, financial, credit and other related aspects of any decision in respect of the information contained herein in order to be capable of making a well advised decision based on opinions from competent and independent advisors or other experts. SKB banka or any of its officers, directors, employees or agents shall not be liable for any failure to obtain such advice.
SKB banka assumes no responsibility or liability for information contained herein and is not holding out any information as a recommendation to take (or refrain from taking) any action in respect of any financial instruments.
SKB banka does not assume or accept any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, financial, economic or consequential loss or damage arising from any use of material contained herein, caused by the negligent act or omission of SKB banka, provided that such limitation of liability shall not apply to any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.