
A secure form of savings with a higher interest rate than a current account.


What you need to know about deposits

  • Low risk, short-term.
  • Easy to plan, transparent and predictable.
  • You can access your money at any time.

HUF deposits

HUF fixed term deposits

A simple and safe way to save for the short term.

  • Deposit periods of 1 to 12 months.
  • You can choose between one-off deposits and auto-renewal.
  • You can deposit as little as HUF 50,000.
  • You can deposit as little as HUF 5,000 on your OTP Junior account.

Deposit accounts

You can choose from a variety of options to find the account best suited to your needs.

  • Short, medium and long term.
  • A secure form of savings.
  • Predictable interest rate.

OTP Car Lottery deposit

With an OTP Car Lottery deposit, you can win a new car every month.

  • You can win more than once with a single deposit.
  • You can redeem it at any time.

FX deposits

FX fixed term deposits

A flexible form of investment for your savings held in your FX account.

  • Deposit periods of 1 to 12 months.
  • Only one-off deposits available.
  • Available in multiple currencies.

FX savings account

A flexible form of investment for your savings held in your FX account.

  • Flexible, paying interest without a fixed deposit.
  • Tiered interest.
  • Available in multiple currencies.

Plan your future the easy way.

With our OTP Financial Planner, you can quickly and easily view your financial options in the short, medium and long term.


Would you like to start saving or manage and add to your existing investments?

I prefer to arrange this in a branch

Find the branch nearest to you and book an appointment online.


I want to use internet banking

Access the OTPdirekt internet banking and mobile app platforms to manage your savings.

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If you have any questions, you can contact us by e-mail at !

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