
Securities Account
If you would like to execute securities transactions by OTP Bank, the first step is that you have to open a securities account. The precondition of the joint securities account agreement is that you have to hold a current account by OTP Bank.
Long-term Investment Account
Would like to invest on long term (3-5 years) period? You can easily decide about the composition of your investment, the invested money exempt from income tax, and there is an opportunity to receive favorable interest rate of the deposit.
OTP Financial Planning
Would you like saving offer designed special to your individual needs without follow continuously the banks offers? Mix the expertise and competence of the investment advisors of OTP Bank with comfort and choose the OTP Financial Planning services!
Retirement Savings Account
Would like to provide for your retirement years now? You can easily decide about the composition of your investment, the invested money exempt from income tax, and there is an opportunity to receive pre-saving support.
MoreWhich investments do we recommend?
Government Securities
If you would like minimize your risk associated with your investments. If you think in calculable short, medium and long term investment, if it is important for you the liquidity of the investment we recommend the Government bonds.
OTP Bonds
If you are searching for safe and calculable fixed income product with favorable yield, we recommend the OTP fixed income Bonds with different maturity.
Mutual Funds
If you choose the OTP Fund Management or OTP Real Estate Fund Management’s Fund the professionals of the largest market player of the domestic investment fund market take care of your investment. We recommend you Fund with 51 different investment strategies. From this fund range you are able to select your portfolio which fits to your individual financial needs, respect to your risk awareness and return expectations.
Are you intending to take higher risk in order to achieve higher return? We recommend to our clients with higher risk appetite with long term financial objectives (minimum 3-5 years).
Are you intending to take higher risk in order to achieve higher return? We recommend to our clients with higher risk appetite with long term financial objectives (minimum 3-5 years).
Certificate is a derivative product it means that is derived from set price of the underlying. The issuer Company undertakes the second market liquidity this means that there is a possibility for trading with certificates during the stock trading period.
Inheritance administration
Information for heirs and prospective heirs with the handling of inheritance cases concerning retail and corporate products provided by OTP Bank Plc.
MoreTerms and conditions
Other information
On the following homepages and on the homepage of the Issuer you could gather public information about the securities:
- OTP Fund Management
- OTP Funds portfolio report
- OTP Mortgages
- OTP Real Estate Fund
- Hungarian State Debt Management Agency/Államadósság Kezelő Központ (ÁKK)
- Hungarian National Bank/Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)
- Budapest Stock Exchange/Budapesti Értéktőzsde (BÉT)
- Hungarian National Bank publications
- KELER Central Depository Ltd./KELER Központi Értéktár Zrt.