
OTP Bank as member of Budapest Stock Exchange is able to take sell and purchase commissions.
Selling and purchasing of securities quoted on the Budapest Stock Exchange can be executed in every OTP branches, OTPdirekt phone call service, OTPdirekt internet service (under the menu securities operation) and after successful registration in OTPdirekt broker service.
To whom do we recommend?
Equity investments are recommended mainly to investors who are able to take higher risk, and would like to invest on long term (min. 3-5 years) investment horizon.
In general the return of equity investments exceed the risk free returns on long term. However it is important to know that the prices of the equities are the most sensitive to the market events. The prices of the shares are fluctuate during the investment horizon.
Distribution knowledge
2 ways to give a commission:
- Limit price commission
There is no possibility to fulfill the transaction with unfavorable prices than the investor given. In case of purchase the maximum, in case off sell the minimum price should be given. You should give a deadline until the transaction commission is valid. The maximum validity of the limit price commission is 30 days. The given limit price can be modified or if the commission is expired, there is a possibility to give new commission with same or different parameters as the original commission. - Market price commission
The commission is fulfilled in the market price given on that day when the order made in case of there is a deal to the share on that day.
After the identification and funding control your commission will be recorded, and your offer will be transferred to the stock exchange trading system, where the transaction can execute.
After the settlement of the transaction – after charging the fees- the transferred money or the securities will be credited in your account. OTP Bank’s responsibility is to take care about the collection of the dividends of the shares and crediting this amount in the client’s account.
Terms and conditions
Other information
On the following homepages and on the homepage of the Issuer you could gather public information about the securities:
- OTP Fund Management
- OTP Funds portfolio report
- OTP Mortgages
- OTP Real Estate Fund
- Hungarian State Debt Management Agency/Államadósság Kezelő Központ (ÁKK)
- Hungarian National Bank/Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)
- Budapest Stock Exchange/Budapesti Értéktőzsde (BÉT)
- Hungarian National Bank publications
- KELER Central Depository Ltd./KELER Központi Értéktár Zrt.